Tuesday, July 7, 2009

 "You are what you Love and not what loves you "

A very profound statement I heard in a movie called "Adaptation" by Spike Jonze and adapted  from a book by Susan Orlean.It is a story of a script writer who"  writes the way he lives... With Great Difficulty. His Twin Brother Donald Lives the way he writes... with foolish abandon. Susan writes about life... But can't live it. John's life is a book... Waiting to be adapted. One story... Four Lives... A million ways it can end.(Quote from IMDB).

This movie seems to have really inspired me to start doing what I always wanted to do without thinking or worrying too much about the consequences.So here I am blogging at 2:30AM .This is my first blog ever and Today is my first day for the rest of my life to come .

This blog branches into all the interests I have at present ,and my efforts to replenish them as much as I can. My hobbies are what add the color to my day to day life and spice it up the way I want it .